Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Review: F.T. Island's

F.T. Island had released Severely on January 30th, 2012. As this is the title track to their Fourth Mini Album 'Grown-Up' released on the same day. The lead in this mini-drama happens to be non other than member Lee Hongki.
    "Member Lee Hongki plays the leading role as a lover who’s been given the precious gift of time. We’re introduced to Lee Hongki’s character at a funeral parlour, where he grieves over his girlfriend. He rushes out, only to bump into a girl who looks exactly like her…" via
The video starts out with Hongki in the funeral of his past girlfriend, as he runs outside, not able to take it anymore. He accidentally bumps into a girl who looks exactly like his past girlfriend, and assumes it was her. But, being weirded out as she just met Hongki, she pushes him away.
Overtime, Hongki watches over the girl in secret. He watches her during her ballet practices as he keeps the newspaper article of the car crash of his past girlfriend in his pocket. While watching over the girl, it seems that she was almost hit by a car, and Hongki had saved her. And from that point on, she and Hongki get to know each other more. Hongki keeps track of the days on his calender, as he grows closer to the girl, but he keeps a date in mind, the 24th. Hongki soon revisits the place where his past girlfriend must have gotten hit by the car, but during the flashback you see parts of where he gets hit. Now he is officially her boyfriend.

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