Monday, March 19, 2012

Review: NU'EST's Face
A long awaited debut from NU'EST. Originally, I believed that this group was a long time group, only to turn out that this was their debut song. The members are Aron, JR, Ren, Minhyun, and Baekhoe I believe. I actually believed this group was four males and one female. I apologize Ren. It's funny how now he's my bias.
The video starts out with the members all sitting in chairs. As this type of video is half choreography and half storyline. It goes through on how a boy gets bullied and they're actually helping him. But in the lyrics it explains how you shouldn't stand up to them. As LoveKpopSubs8 subbed it on youtube. Hearing lines like "Hey what's up loser" I, myself is not sure on what the lyrics mean. Personally I believe its how bullies are pushing you to your fullest potential. They're only mean to help you pick yourself back up.
The choreography is quite unique. Through the music video you have punches being incorporated and in the choreography they still use punches and pushing only with a farther distance and light force. This choreography includes chair dancing too, but not a whole lot. I'd rather have a full choreography but the chairs are fine.
I think NU'EST has a lot of fans already, including me. I'm excited for their next new mini or formal album. I just hope they really keep up this style of upbeat music. I find that a lot of groups start to lose that party beat. I also really hope they come out with more significant songs, because those are always my favorite videos to watch. I'm also interested to see if they're going to change up their visuals, to see if Ren will stay like that or not. But I find him attractive now, reminding me of Kevin from U-Kiss. Anyway, keep your eye out for what NU'EST is going to release next.

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